But it can't fight the inevitable.
We are getting some large snowflakes but the ground is warm and wet enough that nothing is sticking. It is almost 40 degrees, the forecast is calling for colder temps on Friday, an overnight low of 9 (yes...nine) degrees. This might change or it might not. This is the time of year that i'm sure makes the weather forecasters seriously question their chosen profession.
Still no luck in getting more seeds started in the flats. Too many things getting in the way. When the little one won't take her nap its a challenge to even unload the dishwasher.
But Park's order did come in, so its only a matter of time until i get those seeds going.
I ordered:
Hardy blend Hen & Chicks
"Tiger Eyes" French Marigold (heirloom)
Chives (i could not find the packet of seeds i know i already had...)
"Arizona Sun" blanket flower (gaillardia)
More marigold seed, could not resist the name: "Aurora Mix"
and some Italian Oregano.
I'm having one of those days, so i don't know if i wrote it down that Paris Farmer's Union called yesterday afternoon to let me know that there is a slight change in my item. It will be in on Thursday, and it will be 13' wide but the same length. It also should be the same material and they said it will be the same price- i don't know if it costs the same or if they are simply being courteous and giving me the price quoted. But i plan to pick it up tomorrow after their expected call.
Grampy did well through the operation, last i knew he hadn't woken up from the anesthesia, but all his signs were looking well. It took them twice as long as normal to simply remove his bladder which was full of growths... i pray we get to keep him with us longer... this operation should make things much more comfortable for him.
My sister and her youngest son will go back to California tomorrow.