Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Row cover is done....for now.

Since i only ended up having enough hoops for three full rows (out of 5), i only needed to cover those three.
It was not too difficult really, or complicated, but it did take a lot of fussing.  If i had an extra person to do little things like hold one end of the row cover while i pulled the other end taut, i would probably have smoother looking rows.  But it certainly is functional and i don't think it looks all too bad.
Someone driving by won't think i have garbage in my yard.

The hardest part of it was cutting it to the right length without wasting a whole bunch of it at the ends.I thought the wind was going to be a real problem, but it actually helped.   I had started earlier today when there was no wind, but about 20 minutes after i got out there- it started to pick up. I thought it was going to be more trouble,  but the wind really made it easier to drape the cover over the hoops and release the folds.
Sometimes the wind got too frisky and blew the cover out of my  control, but it was easy to straighten it back out.

Those binder clips are great!


Waiting to go in

When i got them all finished (or as finished as i felt like them being) , i planted the hardy stuff:

Kale- Red Russian
Broccoli- Gypsy
Pak Choi-  Brisk Green
Collards- Vates
Kholrabi- Early Purple Vienna
Cabbage- Point One
Swiss Chard- Bright Lights

Add that to the parsnips,  3 types of radishes and the two types of carrots and i almost feel accomplished.

Of course, this means i have to do another plan...
see this:

Yeah, its blurry and it makes my eyes hurt too, but what i mean is that since i had to cover only 3 rows and still plant out some early stuff, i had to rearrange things by which rows were ready to use.
 So all the brassicas and suchlike went into the same row. Since they are one of the veggies most readily attacked by bugs, they needed the row covers immediately.
That means that Row 3 where most of them were scheduled, will not be where they are put.  They will have to go in Row 2.
So, yeah...more shuffling.
Glad i enjoy it....wish i had more time!

Got the electric fence done today too. Just one strand for now- i will have a total of 3 when its done. I need to go turn it on, its 8pm and the woodchucks come out in the morning so i should turn it on before bed.  I put lots of marking flags on it. I don't want to zap people, just groundhogs and the cats that try to use the garden as a litter box.

The tomatoes will go in Row1 soon.

Almost done reading "Root Cellaring",  great book so far!

Almost 10pm.  I need to go to bed and try to sleep!

Row cover going on.

I'm in taking a break.
I put two pieces of row cover on the hoops. I took the little one outside with me and she played in her big stroller and had her cold drink of milk. But after watching me put the second cover on, she lost patience- plus she needs a nap.  
Everyone is napping today except me.  My oldest daughter is home from school, not feeling well --she slept until Noon.  Her dad is taking his lunchtime nap upstairs.  The little one is having a small snack before her nap...

I have a whole mess of things to do.

Its going to rain  tomorrow, and the nighttime lows for the rest of the week are expected to be in the mid 40's.... Since my row covers can give me as much as 4 degrees of frost protection,  now might be a good time to plant all the hardier stuff.  So i need the row covers on before they go in and before the carrots & parsnips sprout. The radishes are coming up and i need them protected with the Remay before they attract their pests and the cover also is supposed to help warm the soil. So, today needs to be the day.

This will also let me clear out one of the mini greenhouses. I can put some of the flats right in the garden rows to harden off.


Ok, got the little one to sleep. Big sister is staying inside to watch her...
Back to work.