Worm Castings
It doesn't look like much but if the worms are tossing up castings it means the ground is thawing out.
This is what was left of the snow in the yard on Friday:
Did i post that my Ancient Sweet Peppers came in?
My Hoya pubicalyx philippine black chimera is getting ready to bloom for the first time:
The rhubarb is waking up:
Saturday was beautiful and warm, i had the windows open and i spent the day out in the sun just soaking it in.
Sunday was bright as well, but the wind was chilly. We got rain Sunday night and into Monday, which melted almost all the rest of the snow in the yard. The weather cleared up nicely later on Monday. I took my 4 year old daughter out to play for a bit, but she started misbehaving so we had to go back in.
Today is cloudy and chilly again and tomorrow is supposed to be quite cold, but the rest of the week is forecast to be around the 50's and sunny. I'm actually seeing flurries out the window right now.
Three out of the 5 gojiberry seeds i planted for my mom have come up. Aunt Molly's ground cherries have too. The schizandra seeds are done with their 30 day stratification and need to be planted. I haven't gotten any more seeds started lately, i had planned to over the weekend but i spent Saturday enjoying the weather and spent Resurrection Sunday with family. I need to get going on those peppers and get those tomatoes started!