Cherokee Purple
Martino's Roma
Matt's Wild Cherry
Mortgage Lifter
San Marzano Lampadina
San Marzano from Providence Acres
Nasturtium- Trailing mix
Borage- common
Basil- Genovese
Sweet Peppers- Ancient
and 26 Schizandra Chinensis seeds.
I didn't take pictures of the dirt filled pots, but i do have pics of things i saw in the last few days:
Not sure if this is a mushroom or a lichen.
The colors were really that blue
And this is a picture of an oak leaf that melted straight into the ice:
I scraped a teeny bit of bark off one of my Carmine Jewel cherry plants and saw green! Looks like this one made it ok so far
Moving some pieces of wood, i noticed one with what looks like toe prints
Garden looks so awful at this time of year. Its hard to believe that in a few months it will be green again