i also found a chunk of potato that had been unearthed by the cats, it had a sprout and some hairy roots on it. I replanted it near the two above shoots. This morning, while doing some more planting and weeding, i found a third potato plant just poking its way up. This makes 3, maybe 4 plants. I can live with that.
We are expecting as many as 6 days of steady rain right now, so this morning, before the rain began, i managed to get the rest of the seeds in. I had to skip out on the beets (beetroot) because i decided late spring might be too late and though i bought bolt-resistant types, i just don't want that going on.
So... what i planted was a row of Golden Butter wax bush beans, a row of Royal Burgundy bush beans, a third of a row of the leftover bush bean seeds my dad gave me (Tender-long i think), a third of a row of Minowase daikon radish and the rest was the ornamental sunflower mix (Fantasia).
I threw in a handful of Pinetree's radish mix into the further end of the potato row- where the cats tore it up so bad... i figure if the radish do grow they won't hurt the potatoes by the time they can be pulled.
Oh and the goji are getting full of berries:
Provider bush beans all up and weeded:
Full garden shot:
All planted. Now all i have to do is keep up with the weeds, the bugs and hopefully i'll keep blights away!