So, now it is Spring! ...and we're just waiting on the snow to melt completely and hoping for no more storms or at least plain rain.
Well, yesterday was fun. Hubby and i celebrated our 10 year Anniversary and our oldest daughter (she's 14 and yes hubby and i were not married before she was born -we had a very rocky start that God helped us through) won third prize at her school's Science Fair.
She used three samples of water to grow grass. One was well water, then spring water and the third was water from Eastport. Eastport water is horrible stuff, full of chlorine and who knows what else. It turned out that the grass did poorer with the Eastport water, as suspected. She enjoyed doing her project and needed little help. I was glad that it had something to do with planting. ;o) We also had all the supplies so there was no hassle.
Today also marks 8 weeks until the last frost date. This weekend i may start my tomatoes and other things.
Well its been a fun week, but i'm so glad its Friday!