Saturday, i actually found time to plant the cuke and squash seeds. I seeded three of each:
Delicata- bush, winter squash
Butternut- bush, winter squash
Yellow Zebra, summer squash
Beit Alpha
Boston pickling
Specialty White
I'm still not sure if i'm going to try starting my broccoli late as it is or buy seedlings this year. I think i'll have to buy at this point.
It stinks because my goal all along has been to grow my own stuff all from seed, and eventually start saving my seeds so i don't even have to buy any.
I'm taking some steps back this year because i just have been too busy or mentally 'off'. I mentioned in the comments section of a favorite blog this morning, that last year's weed war was such a disaster that i'm almost afraid to garden again this year. It was so depressing. I've lost a lot of enthusiasm for gardening over the weeds. When i was gardening in tiny plots and longing for a big garden like i grew up with, the weeds were well within control, but with my little daughter, mental/physical issues and other stuff, the big garden is more than a challenge.
But i won't give up. I just have to figure it out.
The grapes are leafing out well, the bloom on the apple tree has blown, the lilacs are in full flower all the way to the tips of the clusters. Usually they aren't like that until Memorial Day. We're about 2 weeks ahead this year. Yesterday it was 80 and night temps were in the 50's.
My tomato seedlings are in full sun now and stay out at night. My kales are growing well, though they are small because i planted so darn late.
Well, i guess that is it for now. i have other not as fun stuff to do! ;o)