We got some much needed rain over the last few days and warm temps, its been nice. Today (Monday) is feeling cold by comparison. Its about 50 degrees out, we've been spoiled by high 60's and mid 70's.
(Tuesday) Last night we did have frost warnings. I worried a bit about the prune plum blossoms, but there was not much i could do about it, so i just brought my seedlings in and went to bed. Looks like we escaped the frost because the blooms all look fine.
The apple tree is about to bloom, so i went for one more spraying with Bonide. Its not easy since i had to use the hand pump sprayer, not as efficient as the hose end sprayer. Hopefully i gave it a good enough soaking. I hit the grapes too.
Looks like i got close to 100% germination on my squash, melon and cuke seeds:
And it looks like i'll get blooms from the Autumn Olive this year too:
My dad came and tilled the garden once more:
Hopefully this week, i'll get the rows dug out and the black plastic mulch laid out so i can plant next week!