So far nothing iss flowering of course, but leaves are popping out all over. I managed to get the fruit trees sprayed yesterday and my dad delivered me a new trailer load of well-rotted horse manure. The garden badly needed some fresh poop. My soil is rather sandy and the organic matter from the other year has broken completely down, so we needed some fluffy richness.
Here is one of the goji plants setting out some nice healthy leaves
This is the male seabuckthorn
And the female
One of the beach plums waking up
One of the cherries
Blueberry and lingonberry
A not-so-good photo of Stanley's leaf buds
Autumn olive
The other cherry
The elderberries
The grapes are still sleeping. If i remember correctly, they don't begin to leaf out until the apple is about to bloom.
Speaking of the apple...
Hubby, spreading out the manure for me.
We still have piles of garden rubbish that needs to be burned, but we have not had rain for quite a while so its been too dry to safely burn anything. No rain in the forecast either for the next week or so. If we don't get rain we will probably have to cart off the stuff and let it break down in a pile somewhere.
I may start bring out the brassica seedlings to begin hardening them off today or tomorrow. I need to get the sunflowers started and i'm a bit late on trying to get some herbs started. I had a number of things that didn't germinate quite the numbers i had hoped for, so i may have some gaps to fill.
I'm hoping my dad will be able to come by this weekend and till the soil, i'm hoping for two tills before planting. This should disrupt many of the weeds and get the warmth deeper into the soil. It may not matter in the end because we are going to try using black plastic in the rows this year to block out all those confounded weeds. But i won't be able to use it on the bush bean rows or the potatoes, so its best to do what we can to keep the weeds in check.
Speaking of potatoes, my Adirondack blues came in last Thursday. My daughter is happy with the skin color of them. We won't get a look inside until its time to chunk them up to plant, but i bet they will look pretty cool. I have grown a few blue potatoes before... i think they were All Blues, i got a small box of them from Walmart one year, enough for just a little plot in one of my little gardens many years back.
I ordered 10 Sparkle strawberry plants that should be arriving soon, they didn't come today. I was going to put them in a container, but i'm not sure which one i might use. I almost hope they are out of stock and i'll get a refund or credit, because i ran out of options. I used to have a round, white pot by the front door. Its been here since before we bought the house 10 years ago. It finally developed a big crack in the side so it was time to go. I'm replacing it with my big terracotta-looking pot that is about 3'x12".
I was going to put the strawberries in there, but i kind of want flowers in there since its going to be in the front... i was thinking the nasturtiums would look nice. But then, i want strawberries and since i don't really have many purely decorative flowering plants anymore a big pot of strawberries won't be out of place with my landscaping. So, we'll see. If the strawberries are out of stock (they were in stock when i ordered, but the next day they were listed as sold out, and i'm pretty sure Pinetree is good at updating their stock accurately- but this time of year things run out fast and they are very busy so things might slip through.) I did just look across the yard and remembered this:
Maybe that will be the place for the "nasties".
The goji seeds i planted for my mom have come up nicely, one is really big and the others look fine. The schizandra are not doing anything noticeable yet.
*Sigh* I just can't wait to plant the garden and enjoy a warm summer.
I see that you have a lot of fruit trees and bushes! That's nice! Mine are just shyly beginning their flowering and the bees are doing their job.
I was pleasantly surprised, because my newly bought blueberry 'patriot' has some flowers. I didn't expect it to flower this year.
I hope the weather gets warmer in your garden and all those great trees will soon flower and grow more leaves.
Thanks for the warm weather wishes! Yes, most of what i grow is not ornamental. Its mostly edibles, in particular high nutrient and antioxidant berries. These plants have their own beauty though, usually the flowers are unique if you look closely and the berries can make quite a display themselves. My hubby also likes the clean landscaped look instead of the natural rambling type that i kind of prefer. But its working out well for me as it is easier to tend this way!
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