Saturday, May 15, 2010

They're off...

Alibi cucumber and the Salsify have already sprouted. Other than that, not much else going on. I was surprised they came up so quickly so i figured i ought to make a note of it.

Rain in the area but it looks like we are going to miss getting it. Things are getting a bit dry. I did some weeding in the flowerbed and saw a snail shell but no live snails or slugs. I don't know if it is the dryness or the snail bait i put down, but either way i am grateful,  The sevin dust and the diatomaceous earth mixture i used on the lilies seems to have knocked down those horrible red beetles that ate my plants last year and left gooey black frass on what was left.

I pulled a lot of what i was told was a type of goldenrod out of the garden. I have had it in there for a couple years now, each year trying to remember if it was a weed or a desirable plant and then forgetting what it looked like in the spring when it needed to be dealt with. This is why i blog now.

I bought a copy of "The Countryman's Year" by David Grayson. Found it at Amazon for just under $3, but of course the shipping was still $3.99 , grrrr...  But i wanted it and it sounds like something i would enjoy.

I planted the rest of the  Graffiti cauliflower last night, in peat pellets. I will keep them inside and see if anything grows. I am now out of them.  If they don't grow i won't be getting them again.  I thought i'd go easy on myself and buy a type that didn't need to be blanched but maybe it wasn't the best type to get?

Things i need to get going before too long:
Germander...herbal tea
Roma tomato- i found one last seed hiding in the corner of the seed packet
Rose orach...a salad 'green', red in this case
Cabbage- found a seed packet that should be used up

that's not all, but being climbed like a tree by a cranky 15-month-old is not conducive to list typing and remembering things *sigh*