Sunday, May 9, 2010


It was supposed to go down to 31 degrees tonight and tomorrow night, but the forecast writeup changed and now it says 34 degrees is expected for both nights. I still have most things in the greenhouses, so all i have to do is move the stuff i was hardening off undercover just in case it frosts.
I did plant a few short rows of radishes, Hailstone, french Breakfast and Round Black.  I only did one strip of each except the French Breakfast, that was 2 lines. I put them where the corn should go later.  So they won't interfere by the time the corn needs the room.  I really want radishes and i probably could have planted them about a week earlier.  I should get the onions in as soon as i can.
I will probably spend most of tomorrow cutting more sockets and hopefully finish up the hoops.
By the time i get them all up it should be time to get stuff in and the cover over them.

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